Accessing data in Cloud SQL

Connecting to an Cloud SQL running in the private subnet of GCP VPC to your DevBox.

Architecture Diagram


Existing Database

Step 1: Accessing Cloud SQL Instance from a DevBox

  1. Go to Cloud SQL > Instances and note down the Internal IP Address of the instance.

  1. Go to VPC network > Routes and select the region where you have deployed the instance.

  2. Copy the Destination IP Range of the Peering Subnet route which contains the IP address of the Cloud SQL Instance.

  1. SSH into your Bastion Host and enter the following command:

sudo dz net connect --ssh --advertise-routes=<Destionation-IP-Range>
  1. Go to DevBox.

  2. Connecting to the Database.

Run the following commands:

To install the mysql client cli:

sudo apt install mysql-client

To access the database:

mysql -h <Endpoint> -u <Username> --database <Database Name> -p

New Database

Step 1: Creating an Cloud SQL Instance

  1. Go to Cloud SQL > Create an instance.

  2. Use one of the database Engine in the Configuration.

  3. Choose the Available Versions of the Database.

  4. Enter your Instance ID and Password.

  5. Go to Choose region and zonal availability and select the zone where you have provisioned your Private Subnet.

  6. Scroll down to Customize your instance > Connections and choose Private IP only.

  7. Enter your VPC when prompted.

  8. Click on create a private service access connection and select Use automatically assigned IP range while choosing Allocated IP range.

  9. Click on Create Instance.

Step 2: Accessing Cloud SQL from DevBox

  1. Go to Cloud SQL > Instances and note down the Internal IP Address of the instance.

  2. Go to VPC network > Routes and select the region where you have deployed the instance.

  3. Copy the Destination IP Range of the Peering Subnet route which contains the IP address of the Cloud SQL Instance.

  1. SSH into your Bastion Host and enter the following command:

sudo dz net connect --ssh --advertise-routes=<Destionation-IP-Range>
  1. Go to DevBox.

  2. Connecting to the Database.

Run the following commands:

To install the mysql client cli:

sudo apt install mysql-client

To access the database:

mysql -h <Endpoint> -u <Username> --database <Database Name> -p

Last updated