DNS Private Resolver

Setting up a DNS Private Resolver so that you can access the Azure Private DNS zones connected to your Azure Virtual Network (VNET).

Architecture Diagram

Here, you will setup DNS Private Resolver through which you would resolve DNS queries from the DNS Private zones and direct them to the Bastion Host. The Bastion Host will then forward those queries to the DevZero Network through advertised routes.


Before you begin, follow the Connecting to Azure guide to set up the Bastion Host to access your private Azure services.

Creating a DNS Private Resolver

To create a DNS Private Resolver, you need to ensure that you have no other DNS Private Resolver instances in your Resource Group.

If the above criteria are followed, then follow these steps:

  1. Go to Home > DNS Private Resolvers and click on Create.

  2. Enter Subscription and Resource Group name in the Project Details section.

  3. Then enter the instance name and region. Remember to choose the region which houses your VNET.

  4. Then select your Virtual Network (VNET).

  5. In the Inbound Endpoint page, click on Add an endpoint and then enter the endpoint name.

  6. While selecting the subnet for Inbound Endpoint, create a new subnet and then click on Save.

  7. Click on Review + Create and click on Create to create the DNS Private Resolver.

Setting up the Conditional Forwarder in DevBox

After you are done with creating the DNS Private Resolver, you need to add the DNS IP address to the DevZero Network so that you can use the Azure DNS Private Zones.

Step 1: Creating a Virtual Machine

  1. Go to Home > DNS Private Resolver and click on the new DNS Private Resolver you just created.

  2. Then navigate to Settings > Inbound Endpoints and note down the IP Address of the inbound endpoint which you created.

  3. Go to DevBox and enter the following command:

sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf

we need to add the IP address to this configuration file so that the DevZero Network can use the Conditional Forwarder.

  1. Enter the following line to the resolv.conf file:

nameserver <ip-address>

save the file and you will now be able to access the domains within the Azure DNS Private Zones.

For Example, we have a DNS Private Zone named privatelink.postgres.database.azure.com and it houses a private domain endpoint named test-db-devzero.postgres.database.azure.com. You can verify the setup by using nslookup:

nslookup <private-domain-endpoint>

If everything goes well then you should see a output similar to this.

Last updated